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Our client, Ashlee wrote "There are a million ways to practice self-care...A Professional Bra Fitting should be #1 on your list!" as part of her Bra Market review and we could not agree more!
Seeing women take care of themselves is so important to us at The Bra Market. This is one of the biggest reasons we are in business. Yes, selling bras is what we do but it's so much more!
We help women feel great about themselves, pamper and care for them for a bit and help them recognize that they are worth investing buying themselves a new bra. ;)
So often, as women...mothers, daughters, wives, grandmothers...the needs of others far outweighs our needs. It's a choice. We are the CARE the care to those around us. SELF-CARE...especially in our area...seems so selfish and a waste of time, money and energy but that can't be further from the truth!
Look at it this way: Is it selfish or a waste of resources to put gas in the car before heading out on a long trip? Of course not! If you want the car to get you where you want to go, you need to make sure it has the gas it requires...right? Self-care is like putting that gas in the car.
As women, when we take care of ourselves, NO ONLY do we have the energy to care for others BUT we are setting good examples for younger girls around us. They are watching us to see what we do and don't do. All the while learning how they are to live, love and serve.
It is sad to think that even the car gets the gas tank filled, the oil changed at the proper time and even the occasional car wash but women feel bad about getting things they need every single day.
How many women in your life need some self-care? Maybe it's you. Self-Care is necessary! Do something that fills your cup.
You, sweetheart, are WORTH THE INVESTMENT!
~ Missy, Your Bra Lady